Project with the name „Rozvoj kultúrnej infraštruktúry – Dom kultúrnych tradícií“ is one of the projects that we implement thanks to the EU funds - Operational programme of cross-border co-operation SR – ČR 2007-2013.
The purpose of the project is to reconstruct the old building of village hall in the centre of village Dohňany.

DKT-suc. stav DKT-nahlad2 DKT-nahlad1

New building named House of cultural traditions will be a center of cultural life in our village. Visitors can visit this house and see exposition of ethnical features, history of life, traditions of region Púchovská dolina and region Hornolidečsko. The house of cultural traditions will be a center of cultural life focused on cultural events, dramatic performance, etc.

Expenses of the project:  about 650 000 Eur



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